
English name: Thickhead, Hardie
Croatian name: Tvrtko
German name: Harty
Hungarian name: Kökemenyke
Italian name: Zuccone
Slovenian name (original): Trdonja

Hardie is one of the three protagonists in a series of comic books about The Adventures of Trickster, Hardie and Hungerly, which Muster created as the last.

Hardie is a turtle and is one of the three, after the growth of the lowest, the oldest, hence the most wise, prudent, stubborn and flexible. He likes pretty women around him, and she’s out of a regular job. It is in the adventures of fighting on the side of justice and good. Hardie among readers has never reached the popularity of the other two of his friends.

Since the first adaptation to his last depiction, Hardie has been stylishly altered for 23 years, but not like the other two characters. In the first stories it is depicted with a pen, which gives him hardness and severity, and later it is depicted with a brush which gives him some more softness and kindness.

Comic book titles with him

TitleOriginal Title
Zvitorepčeve prigode 2Zvitorepčeve prigode
V AfrikiV Afriki *
Pot v vesoljePot v vesolje
Trije hribolazciTrije hribolazci
Prerijska RožaNa divjem zapadu
Črni kavbojČrni kavboj
Čudežni otokČudežni otok
Zimsko veseljeZimsko veselje
V srcu AfrikeNa jug
DetektivVeliki detektiv
Na LunoNa Luno
Na olimpiadoNa olimpiado
V svet tišineSvet tišine
Krvavi kapitanKrvavi kapitan
Prvi aprilPrvi april
Kamena dobaKamena doba
Bosa NogaBosa Noga
Težave z gradnjoNovogradnja
Vitez roparVitez ropar
Trije mušketirjiTrije mušketirji
Rdeči kanjonRdeči kanjon
Na grmadoNa grmado
Za volanomZa volanom
Obisk iz vesoljaV vesolje
Skok v prihodnostSkok v prihodnost
Zmajev otokZmajev otok
Med TurkiTurki, Turki
Zelena dolinaZelena dolina
Veliki izumBrez naslova
Lakotnikova električna petletkaLakotnikova električna petletka
Zimsko spanjeZimsko spanje
Sneg, sneg ...Smučarija
Med in mleko pa še TOZDMed in mleko pa še TOZD **
Nazaj v mladost - ***

* The title also contains a comic book Džunga, which is a logical continuation of the comic book in Africa.
** The comic book is unfinished.
*** This is an introduction to the Miki Muster’s comic collection published by Buch.