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Forgotten comics

After years of searching, two Muster comics were found, which had been hiding for more than 58 years. The title of the first comic is Prvi april (April Fool’s Day), the second comic is untitled, but I named it the Nagradni natečaj (Prize Competition). Both comics consist of 7 or 8 frames.

Comics Opus of The Adventures of Trickster, Hardie and Hungerly has 48 titles now.

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Through Time and Space

Klub devete umetnosti (The Ninth Arts Club) has released a picture book about the miraculous journey of Trickster, Hardie and Hungerly entitled Through Time and Space. The text was written by Ciril Gale.
The book is in slovene language, A4 hardcover.

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Indian Viki

Strip.Art.nica Buch has published comic book Indijancek Viki (Little Indian Viki) of Miki Muster in colour. The books are in Slovene language, A4 hardcover.

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New Comic Books in Colour

Strip.Art.nica Buch has published two comic books of Miki Muster in colour. The books are in Slovene language, A4 hardcover and have 132 pages.

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He gave Muster his cartoons

Pogovor z Urošem Sajkom

On August 1st 2019, weekly newspaper Nedeljske novice (Sunday news) published a major interview with Uroš Sajko, an ardent collector of everything that legendary comic artist Miki Muster has created, whether it be comics, picture books, illustrations, animated films, books, magazines, documentaries, or anything else. The interview is in Slovene language.

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Guillermo Mordillo Died

We’re saddened by the recent death of popular and talented Argentine cartoonist Guillermo Mordillo at age 86 in Mallorca, Spain, where he owned a home. He is best remembered for his widely published cartoonists of the 1970s and his colorful, wordless depictions of love, sports and long-necked animals.

From 1976 to 1981, Mordillo’s cartoons were used by Slovenian artist Miki Muster to create “Mordillo”, a series of 400 shorts (300 min) that aired on TV stations in 30 countries. In 1980 he moved to Mallorca, Spain, and was named President of the International Association of Authors of Comics and Cartoons (CFIA).

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